Die meisten in Ingenium enthaltenen Muster wurden mittels SQUID ist die Abkürzung für Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (Supraleitende Quanteninterferenzeinheit). Ein SQUID ist ein Sensor zur sehr präzisen Messung extrem geringer Magnetfeldänderungen erzeugt.
Ein SQUID besteht aus einem supraleitenden Ring, der an einer Stelle (rf-SQUID, gelegentlich auch ac-SQUID genannt) oder zwei Stellen (dc-SQUID) durch ein normalleitendes oder elektrisch isolierendes Material unterbrochen wird. Diese Unterbrechung muss so dünn sein, dass die supraleitenden Elektronenpaare (die Cooper-Paare) durch diese Spalte hindurchtunneln können. Derartige Tunnelkontakte nennt man Josephson-Kontakte
Die Funktionsweise eines SQUID basiert auf dem Effekt der Flussquantisierung in supraleitenden Ringen und dem Josephson-Effekt. Aus quantenmechanischen Gründen kann durch einen supraleitenden Ring nur ein magnetischer Fluss, dessen Größe ein ganzzahliges Vielfaches des elementaren magnetischen Flussquantums Φ0 = 2,07×10-15 Vs beträgt, fließen. Ändert sich das äußere Magnetfeld, so wird im Ring ein elektrischer Kreisstrom angeregt, der genau groß genug ist, um den magnetischen Fluss im supraleitenden Ring auf das nächstgelegene Vielfache des Flussquantums zu erhöhen oder zu verringern. Diese magnetfeldabhängige Änderung des Stromes lässt sich in einem einfachen supraleitenden Ring schwer detektieren, deshalb macht man sich den Josephson-Effekt zunutze. In den Supraleitenden Ring werden (beim dc-SQUID) zwei Josephson-Kontakte eingebracht, wodurch der Ring in zwei Teile geteilt wird. Nun werden diese kontaktiert und ein Gleichstrom durch das SQUID geleitet. Dadurch fällt am SQUID eine messbare elektrische Spannung ab. Diese ist abhängig vom außen angelegten Gleichstrom, aber auch von den Kompensationströmen, die aufgrund des Induktionsgesetzes im supraleitenden Ring fließen.
Ändert sich nun das äußere magnetische Feld, so ändert sich also der Strom im Ring und damit die Spannung am dc-SQUID. Die Fluss-Spannungs-Kennlinie des SQUID ist somit periodisch (näherungsweise Sinusförmig) und die Periode ist genau ein magnetisches Flussquantum. Es ist zu bemerken, dass innerhalb der vom SQUID eingeschlossenen Fläche aufgrund der vorhandenen Josephson-Kontakte die Quantisierungsbedingung nicht mehr gilt. Daher liefert das SQUID solch ein kontinuierliches (und kein diskretes) Messergebnis und man kann bei geeigneter Wahl des Arbeitspunktes noch Flussänderungen, die geringer als ein Flussquantum sind, messen (zum Vergleich: das Erdmagnetfeld liegt in der Größenordnung von zwischen 30 und 60×10-6 Vs pro Quadratmeter an der Erdoberfläche).
Die Funktionsweise eines rf-SQUID basiert auf den selben Effekten, nur dass als Vorstrom kein Gleichstrom, sondern ein Wechselstrom im Frequenzbereich von einigen 10 Megahertz benutzt wird. Dieser wird nicht direkt an das SQUID angelegt, sondern induktiv über eine Spule. Über diese Spule wird es auch ausgelesen.
Die meisten SQUIDs werden heute in Dünnfilmtechnik (Sputtern oder Laser-Ablation) hergestellt.
Bei der Herstellung von SQUIDs kommen unterschiedliche Materialien zur Anwendung, die bei unterschiedlichen Temperaturen supraleitend werden. Bei konventionellen SQUIDs kommen klassische Supraleiter, die aus Metallen oder Metallverbindungen mit Sprungtemperaturen bis 40 K (-233,15 °C), zum Einsatz. Ein sehr verbreitetes Material für konventionelle SQUID ist Niob, welches eine Sprungtemperatur von 9,5 K (−263,65 °C) aufweist und für dessen Kühlung auf Betriebstemperatur üblicherweise flüssiges Helium mit einer Temperatur von ca. 4 K (-269,15 °C) eingesetzt wird.
Eine weitere Gruppe sind, SQUIDs die aus Hochtemperatursupraleitern gefertigt werden, sie bestehen aus keramischen Metalloxiden welche Sprungtemperaturen bis ca 140 K (-133,15 °C) aufweisen. Durch den Einsatz von Hochtemperatursupraleitern kann auf ein aufwändiges und kostenintensives Kühlen mittels flüssigem Helium verzichtet werden, vielmehr kommt dabei der leichter zu gewinnende flüssige Stickstoff, 77 K (-196,15 °C), zum Einsatz.
Obwohl sich durch den Einsatz von Hochtemperatursupraleitern Betriebskosten einsparen lassen, ist zu beachten, dass durch das kristalline Material ein aufwändiger, fehleranfälliger und entsprechend teurer Produktionsprozess gegenüber steht.
Aus Hochtemperatursupraleitern hergestellte SQUIDs weisen auf Grund innerer Effekte ein deutlich höheres 1/f-Rauschen im Vergleich zu konventionellen SQUIDs auf. In den letzten Jahren konnten jedoch erhebliche Fortschritte, durch gezielte Änderungen im Fertigungsprozess, auf diesem Gebiet erzielt werden.
Aufgrund der Periodizität der Fluss-Spannungs-Kennlinie lassen sich mit einem SQUID keine absoluten Werte magnetischer Feldstärken messen, sondern nur Feldstärkeänderungen. Möchte man Flussänderungen messen, die größer als ein Flussquantum sind, muss dem SQUID eine Elektronik nachgeschaltet werden, die, über eine Induktionsspule, die jeweilige Flussänderung im SQUID-Ring kompensiert und es so auf einem festen Arbeitspunkt betreibt. Eine derartige Elektronik nennt man Flussregelschleife.
Durch allgegenwärtige magnetische Hintergrundfelder (zum Beispiel das Erdmagnetfeld aber auch Störungen durch Stromleitungen und elektrische Geräte in der Umgebung) ist ein SQUID an sich ständig starken Störungen ausgesetzt. Um diese einigermaßen zu unterdrücken, kann man die Messung entweder in einer magnetisch abgeschirmten Umgebung vornehmen oder zum Beispiel zwei SQUIDs eng neben einander und entgegengesetzt koppeln (SQUID-Gradiometer) um nur Felder wahrzunehmen, die ihren Ursprung in unmittelbarer Nähe des SQUIDs haben.
SQUIDs werden vielfältig angewendet, wenn es gilt, winzige magnetische Flüsse zu messen.
SQUID-Suszeptometer werden eingesetzt, um die magnetischen Eigenschaften von Materie zu messen.
In der Medizin werden SQUIDs benutzt, um die Magnetfelder zu messen, die von Strömen im menschlichen Körper, z.B. Gehirnströmen (Magnetoenzephalographie [MEG]) oder Herzströmen (Magnetokardiographie [MKG]) herrühren.
Außerdem werden sie zur Detektion von Kernspinresonanzen in niedrigen Magnetfeldern benutzt, wodurch sich ein weiteres Anwendungsgebiet in der Medizin erschließt, nämlich das Erstellen von Magnetresonanztomographien.
In der Geologie und der Archäologie werden SQUIDs eingesetzt, um sehr feine Änderungen des Erdmagnetfeldes an der Oberfläche zu ermitteln. Dadurch kann man unterirdische Strukturen (geologische Schichten, Erzvorkommen oder Strukturen von Gebäudeüberresten) entdecken, die mit anderen Methoden nicht feststellbar sind.
SQUIDs werden auch zur zerstörungsfreien Materialprüfung eingesetzt. Hierbei sind insbesondere Raster-SQUID-Mikroskope und SQUID-detektierte Wirbelstromprüfverfahren zu nennen.
In einigen Fällen werden SQUIDs als hochempfindliche Messverstärker eingesetzt (SQUID-Verstärker).
In neuerer Zeit gibt es Forschungsprojekte mit dem Ziel, rf-SQUIDS als Qubits für Quantencomputer einzusetzen.
Digital Revolution
We are going to discuss here about a true breakthrough that has deep and far reaching ramifications for health and healing...the frontier of digitized information in homeopathic remedies.
It is now possible that the specific activity of biologically-active molecules (e.g., histamine, caffeine, adrenalin), not to mention the immunological electromagnetic signature of a virus or bacterium, can be recorded and digitized using a computer sound card, just like an ordinary sound. As we will see life depends on signals exchanged among molecules.
In biology, the phrase "molecular signal" is used often. Yet, biologists are not aware of what the physical nature of this signal is.
We have known for decades that molecules vibrate. Every atom of every molecule and every intermolecular bond-the bridge that links the atoms-emits a group of specific frequencies. Specific frequencies of simple or complex molecules are being detected at distances of billions of light-years, thanks to radio-telescopes. Biophysicists describe these frequencies as an essential physical characteristic of matter, but biologists and biochemists do not consider that electromagnetic waves can play a role in molecular functions themselves.
Now we are going to review some of the work of various renowned researchers who are responsible for opening up this new frontier we call "digital healing".
Experiments by Benveniste have shown that we can capture specific molecular signals by using an amplifier and electromagnetic coils. In July, 1995, he recorded and replayed these signals using a multimedia computer. A computer sound card only records frequencies up to about 20,000 Hz. In the course of many experiments, he had led receptors (specific to simple or complex molecules) to "believe" that they are in the presence of their favorite molecules by playing the recorded frequencies of those molecules. In order to arrive at this result, two operations are necessary: 1) record the activity of the substance on a computer, 2) "replay" it to a biological system, sensitive to the same substance. Therefore, there is every reason to think that when a molecule itself is in the presence of its receptor, it does the same thing: it emits frequencies which the receptor is capable of recognizing.
This means that a molecular signal can be efficiently represented by a spectrum of frequencies between 20Hz and 20,000 Hz, the same range as the human hearing or music. For several hundred thousand years, human beings have been relating sound frequencies to a biological mechanism: the emotions. Composers of background music for supermarkets or elevators are practicing neuron-psychology. High-pitched rapid sounds stimulate lightness of spirit, high-pitched slow sounds produce sweetness, and sounds both deep and rapid rouse the fighting spirit, while deep, slow sounds raise serious emotions, sadness and mourning. These are fundamentally cerebral physico-chemical phenomena, triggered by distinct frequencies. This is what we accomplish when we transmit recorded electromagnetic signatures to biological systems. Biological systems function like radio sets, operating by co-resonance. If you tune a receiver to 108 MHz, you tune in the radio transmitting frequency of 108 MHz because the receiver and the transmitter vibrate at the same frequency.
The electromagnetic nature of the molecular signal sheds light on many shadowy areas of biology. We can now understand how millions of biological molecules can communicate (at the speed of light), each with its own corresponding molecule, and it alone. Water is the vehicle for information. This cannot be avoided, since there are 10,000 water molecules in the human body for every molecule of protein. A submarine communicates with its base via low-frequency electromagnetic waves, not with megahertz frequencies, which do not penetrate water.
Experiments show that a molecule at a normally active concentration does not work in a medium devoid of water. Adding water is not enough to restore activity; it must be "informational." In other words, when molecules trigger a biological effect, they are not directly transmitting the signal. The final job is done by perimolecular water which relays and possibly amplifies the signal. Sound is not directly created by a compact disc. The latter carries data which is audible only after being amplified by an electronic system.
What interests us is not the nature of the magnetic medium and how it functions, but the message recorded in it, which can be copied and transmitted.
The Current Theory: "structural matching"
The Proposed Theory: "electromagnetic signals"
The 3D structure of the ligand molecule, e.g. an antigen (or an agonist) matches the 3D structure of the antibody (or the receptor, respectively). This physical contact induces the cell function.
The agonist molecule carries and emits an EM signal which co-resonates with the receptor's molecules thus activating it and inducing the cell function.
The Current Theory (structural matching) vs. the Proposed Theory (electromagnetic signals)
The presently dominant QSAR (quantitative structure-activity relationship) theory of molecular signaling claims that two structurally matching molecular objects exchange specific information by mere contact (sometimes also referred to as the Key/Keyhole interaction model). Specific molecular interactions happen after random collisions between partners on a trial-and-error basis, using electrostatic, short range (two to three times the molecule size) forces. But this kind of random encounter, among many molecules which are foreign to a given biochemical reaction, would give to these meetings statistically little chance of occurring. Thus, the simplest biological event might require a very long time to happen.
Using various experimental protocols we are able to activate specific cell functions with the corresponding low frequency (<20 kHz) electromagnetic waves. This prompted us to hypothesize that the molecular signal is composed of such low frequency waves and that the ligand co-resonates with the receptor pretty much as the tuning of a radio device.
It is well-documented that: 1) Molecules emit specific frequencies. 2) A complex set of high frequency waves can produce low frequencies according to the "beat frequency" phenomenon. 3) All biological interactions occur in water, since, on the average, there are ten thousand molecules of water per molecule of protein.
In 1998, Endler et al did a study on tadpoles that provides clear evidence of the effect of electromagnetic signals on biological systems. His research has been duplicated by ten other researchers at eight different universities.
Tadpoles from tree frogs were studied in their development. It is well known that thyroxine up to a dilution of 10(-8th) induces and accelerates metamorphosis from larvae to tadpoles. Homeopathic dilutions of thyroxine in the 10(-11th) to 10(-30th) actually inhibit morphogenesis. Control water without thyroxine or with no succession had no effect (see below).
Also, larvae which had been exposed to excitatory material doses of thyroxine were later exposed to a succussed 10(-8th) preparation, which was able to inhibit the previously stimulatory effect. This experiment provides proof of the homeopathic principle of Isopathy.
Finally, an experiment was conducted where electrical frequencies were acquired from a vile of potentized water with thyroxine and amplified. These signals were digitized and transmitted into pure water (without thyroxine). The result was that metamorphosis was again inhibited in comparison with controls (see below).
Water with its interactions with enzymes, cells, and tissues can be seen as more than just a lock and key mechanism. Electromagnetic field interaction in the experiment with tree frogs proved that homeopathic potencies are not just molecules in water, but electromagnetic field vehicles with specific frequency complexes.
This type of research goes beyond the molecular biology discipline and is more closely related to the bio-physical field of study.
Fritz Albert Popp
The phenomenon of how information is transmitted within living systems was and is being extensively studied by a bio-physicist named Fritz Albert Popp. He discovered that photons provided the vehicle for which information was transmitted. Photons are light particles without mass. They transmit information within a cell and between cells. He showed that DNA of living cells stores and releases photons. He called this “biophotonic emission”. The intensity is about 10 (18th) times lower than regular daylight. To study this phenomenon he developed an instrument called a photon multiplier which could detect the glow of a firefly 10 miles away. DNA uses a variety of frequencies as an information tool suggesting a feedback system of perfect communication through waves which encode and transfer information.
Another fascinating characteristic of photons is their coherence. In a healthy state the emission is more coherent than anything that man has ever developed. Quantum coherence means that subatomic particles are able to co-operate. These waves know about each other and are highly interlinked by bands of electromagnetic fields. They can communicate with each other. It is analogous to an orchestra where all photons are playing together but as individual instruments that are able to carry on playing individual parts. Therefore, biophotonic emission is a perfect communication system that transfers information to many cells across the body and to other bodies.
Another important characteristic of biophotons is that they follow biological rhythms (i.e., daily, weekly, monthly and annually). In healthy individuals the biophotons are extremely coherent and in rhythm with the world. In seriously ill people (i.e., cancer) they have lost their natural rhythm and coherence. The lines of communication were scrambled and they lost their connection with the world. In effect their light was going out.
Interestingly, Popp found in people with multiple sclerosis, that the opposite was true. They were in a state of too much order. They were taking in too much light, inhibiting the ability of the cells to do their job. Too much cooperative harmony prevented flexibility and individuality. In reality, they were drowning in their light.
In a stressed state, the rate of biophotonic emissions went up. This is a defense mechanism to try and return to homeostasis. Therefore biophotonic emission is a sort of correction mechanism in living systems. Studying food, Popp found that the healthiest food has the lowest and most coherent intensity of light.
William Ross Adey
The final important principle looks at the actual intensity of the emission. William Ross Adey, while experimenting with cerebral cells in chicks, found they only responded to a certain frequency (10 Hz). Also, he found that the amplitude must lie within a specific (very low) range. This is called Adey’s window, and it is a limited range in which a biological system is able to respond to electromagnetic signals carrying information. Interestingly, this range falls within the same range in which Homeopathic signals are measured.
Popp found while studying Homeopathic remedies that they are an example of photon sucking. Homeopathic remedies are resonance absorbers. If a non-physiological frequency produces certain symptoms, a high dilution of a substance which could produce the same symptoms would still carry these oscillations. Like a tuning fork in resonance, a suitable homeopathic solution might attract and then absorb the non-physiological oscillations, allowing the body to return to normal.
Biophysical Controls Biochemistry
The implications of this statement are numerous and extremely important, not the least of which is that the biophysical level of an organism controls its biochemistry. For example, changing and adjusting the biochemistry of the human body can easily be accomplished with medications, supplements, diet, and even exercise, but this is only dealing with a disease state at a symptomatic level. However, affecting change at the biophysical level where cellular communication can be normalized will result in a balance of both the biophysical and biochemical levels. And how does one affect this type of change? Based on what we’ve learned from the research of Benveniste, Popp, and Adey, the answer is digital homeopathy.
Excerpts from Biological, Chemical, and Nuclear Warfare The Power of Digital Medicine By Dr. Savely Yurkovsky (pg xvi) It is well known that placing colloidal particles of silver into a beaker of water that contains bacteria will kill the bacteria. What is not so well known is that placing these colloidal silver particles in a nearby gas discharge tube, and focusing the electromagnetic emission from the tube onto the beaker, will also kill the bacteria. Thus, physical contact between the bacteria and the sliver is not a necessary condition for killing the bacteria. (pg 1) Unlike allopathic or conventional medicine, which applies means that are antagonistic or opposite to disease, homeopathic cures use the very substances which, given to a healthy person, are capable of producing the same disease or ailment. In case of a fever, the allopathic approach would indicate suppressing the fever through anti-fever drugs. Homeopathy would administer a remedy that would produce fever in a healthy person. (pg 4) Once the correct remedy is administered, the body’s inherent defenses will be able to receive from the remedy the missing signal that will trigger and properly channel the body’s untapped reserves. The recruitment of these reserves will allow the ill person to overcome the pathology and return to health. (pg 10) It is not a prerequisite for medicines to contain a material substance in order to promote healing effects. Such a requirement is necessary only for pharmaceutical medicines, whose action is based on the principles of chemistry because they are measured and dispensed in units of weight: grams, milligrams, or even micrograms. The category includes pharmaceutical drugs, herbs, vitamins, nutritional supplements, aromatic oils and others. The effects of these substances on the body depend upon their chemical properties and their concentration within the body. However, the human body also can be affected by many other factors in Nature that do not represent pharmaceutical or chemical agents, per se. Instead these factors represent energetic forces that are capable of acting at the level of our energy body. Homeopathy is a very powerful member of the family of energetic medicines. (pg 12) There is another dimension to everything in Nature, including our environment and our bodies. This dimension – energy – is the deepest and most fundamental of all. (pg 13) Modern technologies using spectra-analysis obtained with the Raman-laser, infrared absorbance and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) have all confirmed the difference in emission patterns between homeopathic remedies and a placebo. In addition, each homeopathic remedy was found to exhibit a unique NMR emission pattern. (pg 14) Stanford University Professor Emeritus of Materials Science, William A. Tiller, has explained that homeopathic preparations form two layers that become permanently imprinted into water media: one more superficial, primarily electric, and another, deeper and more subtle, mainly magnetic layer. (pg 14) The reason homeopathic remedies are capable of producing therapeutic effects in the sick, is that humans are the ideal recipients of the energetic properties of homeopathic medicines. This is attributable largely to the energy fields of our cells that regulate our entire physiology, including our body chemistry. (pg 15) After years of research and experimentation, Georges Lakhovsky, a Russian engineer working in France, concluded that health is nothing but a state of electro-magnetic equilibrium of body cells, while diseases and death represent just the opposite – a broken energetic balance. The vast body of scientific evidence makes is apparent that the physiology of all living systems is being run via computer-like electromagnetic communications. Furthermore, homeopathic remedies, which contain stored diverse and specific energetic information, may be able to interact with the endogenous energetic communication system in the living and provide stimulating and correcting signals that promote self-repair and healing. Homeopathy is indeed unique among all therapies in its ability to influence cellular memory. (pg 18) Scientists have observed that exposure to toxic substances or stressful emotional stimuli change the cellular energy emission patterns from normal to pathological. Furthermore, all the major assaults (toxic pollutants, infectious agents, or physical and emotional traumas) that the body is not able to overcome become imprinted onto cellular recordings in a CD-like fashion, and then continuously feed back into the body’s chemistry, altering it adversely. This “cellular memory” could explain the tenacity of chronic diseases and the inability of conventional pharmaceutical methods to eradicate them. Drugs which act through chemistry, the most superficial level of Mans’ physiology, simply cannot erase pathological information residing within our cells. (pg 19) German physicist Professor Herbert Frohlich and Professor Fritz-Albert Popp established that cells in the body interact through coherent oscillations. In health, these oscillations are robust and precise. They can be likened to miniature radio stations, exchanging clear and synchronized signals. If one considers that every human cell contains 100,000 genes and chemistry of a single cell is run by about 3,000 enzymes, and that Man’s body on a whole contains some 75 trillion cells, with as many as 100,000 chemical reactions taking place in each cell every second, it would be impossible for the body to maintain such enormous biochemical machinery or to adapt it quickly to ongoing stresses by relying on the relatively slow speed of chemical reactions. Professors Frohlich and Popp have demonstrated that electromagnetic communication between cells constitutes the primary process governing chemical reactions. (pg 20) Professor Popp demonstrated that DNA performs is regulatory functions and receives feedback information from chemical reactions via tiny electromagnetic charges – photons. Furthermore, Soviet researchers found that even after DNA molecules were physically removed from a solution, residual oscillations of these molecules remained present, which they called “phantom DNA”. The vast body of scientific evidence makes is apparent that the physiology of all living systems is being run via computer-like electromagnetic communications. Furthermore, homeopathic remedies, which contain stored diverse and specific energetic information, may be able to interact with the endogenous energetic communication system in the living and provide stimulating and correcting signals that promote self-repair and healing. Homeopathy is indeed unique among all therapies in its ability to influence cellular memory. (pg 21) In a series of experiments conducted in medical facilities in London and Dallas, Texas, allergic patients displayed exactly the same allergic reactions whether exposed to the actual chemical allergens or to certain electromagnetic frequencies. (pg 41) Physics has established that every substance is endowed with its own unique natural (electromagnetic) resonance frequency. Physics also states that the electromagnetic interactions between elementary, subatomic particles produce fields and forces that govern chemistry and chemical reactions. These interactions are described by quantum electrodynamics, which has established that without stable quantum energetics there would be no chemistry because matter would disintegrate into subatomoic chaos. (pg 42) Professor Tiller observed that conventional medicine addresses illness only at the most superficial level. He sees the first and second levels as energetic, relating to the cause of disease and extent of cellular memory; with the third level, the superficial level, the biochemical abnormalities have resulted from disturbances in the first two levels. In contrast, homeopathy addresses all three levels of illness.
The process of capturing the vibrational energy of a remedy (or any substance for that matter) and storing it on a computer as a sound file can be accomplished using some sort of chamber, an amplifier, a computer and software.
Everything around you has its own precise vibrational signature. So whatever is placed into the chamber generates its own specific and unique frequency patterns. These frequency patterns are sent from the chamber to the amplifier. The amplifier boosts the analog signal that comes from the chamber and may also provide another level of filtering. From there the computer sound card converts the analog signal to digital. A software program is then used to capture the digital information to a standard sound file that can be played at any time.
Of course, this is somewhat oversimplifying the process. There are many variables that affect the quality/accuracy of the outcome, which is nothing more than digital information. For example, the amplifier could be integrated into the chamber. The chamber itself must be carefully designed to ensure that as much noise as possible is blocked and filtered from the capturing process. This can be tricky, as we are surrounded by environmental noise of all kinds (cell phone towers, 60Hz from lighting, computers, geopathic and magnetic energy from the earth, etc.) The quality of the sound card is a significant factor, and whether it is internal or external to the computer (the computer itself generates noise).
The goal is to capture as much of the vibrational information as possible of whatever is placed in the chamber with as little noise as possible.